

In Catholicism marriage is a sacrament that a baptized man and a baptized woman administer to each other through their marriage vows and lifelong partnership. Given that to a Catholic sacramental marriage reflects the union of Christ with the church as his mystical body, marriage is understood to be an indissoluble union. The rite commonly takes place during a mass, with a priest serving as the minister of the mass and as a witness to the mutual consent of the couple. The marriage union is used to sanctify both the husband and wife by drawing them into a deeper understanding of God’s love and is intended to be fruitful, with any children to be raised within the teachings of the church.

Because Christian marriage is a sacrament, the Catholic Church wants couples to be well-prepared. Marriage preparation helps couples develop a better understanding of the sacrament; to evaluate and deepen their readiness to live married life; and to gain insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple.

For couples planning to marry at Holy Trinity, please call the parish office at (619) 444-9425 and make an appointment with a priest six to nine months before your anticipated wedding date to begin the marriage preparation process.


When at least one of individuals in an engaged couple is Catholic, wedding planning can include making arrangements to be married in a Catholic church. This is a significant decision and may require six to nine months of preparation.

The Catholic Church provides different forms of celebrating the Rite of Marriage. You should choose one of these forms in conversation with the priest or deacon who will witness your marriage vows. Watch this video to learn more about the Rite of Marriage.

Marriage preparation begins by contacting the parish Ministry Center. It’s important to talk with the parish priest, deacon or pastoral minister about the parish requirements for your current situation.

You may make a non-refundable deposit to reserve your date on the parish calendar but the pastor may delay or postpone the wedding if the marriage preparation is not complete.



  • $500.00 for registered parish members 
  • Nonrefundable deposit - $150.00
  • $700.00 for non-registered
  • Nonrefundale deposit - $150.00
  • Balance due one week prior to wedding date.
  • Music: Contact music coordinator to arrange music and cost.

Wedding Anniversary Mass:

  • $400.00
  • Total due the week of the ceremony.
  • Music: Contact music coordinator to arrange music and cost.

You can pick up a packet of wedding inforomation from the Holy Trinity Ministry Center during regular business hours. The packet includes important information that will help you plan your ceremony as well as our parish guidelines for your wedding. This information may also be accessed by clicking the links below.

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