Holy Trinity Catholic Church is a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego. We believe in The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity: One God in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We gather as God's people to worship Him and to be renewed in faith, hope and love. As individuals, we come from a diversity of cultures, ages, state in life, ethnic heritage and backgrounds; yet all are united in One Body, the Church, through the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In the Eucharist we are strengthened in our communion with Jesus Christ and with all who share the faith. We are to be Who we receive, and bring the Light of Christ into our homes and out into the world - at work, in school, in the streets, in the public square, at work - whenever and wherever.
Holy Trinity is open to all people of good will. Anyone with a sincere heart can have a saving encounter with Jesus Christ because we believe He is present in Sacred Scripture which we proclaim, in the Sacraments we celebrate, in the Priest acting in the person of Christ, and in each one of us gathered in His Name. Catholics who are properly prepared and free of mortal sin, may receive the Eucharist. Anyone who is not baptized and would like to learn more about the Christian faith, or is a Christian seeking full communion, can go through our Rite of Christian Initiation program, and when ready, can become fully initiated Catholics.
If you are visiting, welcome! And if you are new in the area, we invite you to come and be part of our Catholic Christian family and exercise your gifts in the larger parish community life.
Please contact or stop by the Ministry Center (619) 444-9425 if you have any questions or fill out the Parish Registration Form below and become a part of our Holy Trinity family.
The LORD bless you and keep you.
The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.
The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace.
-- Numbers 6:24-26 --