Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

ADULT CHOIR rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the church and we sing at the 10:00am Mass every Sunday. 

Contact Wendy Andersen at (619) 994-7203 or at for more information.

If you are interested in joining our Spanish Choir, please contact

Suzette Montoya at (619) 318-8475

Liturgical Ministries

Music Ministry

Holy Trinity Music Ministry strives to provide opportunities for those with musical gifts to put those gifts at the service of God and the parish community in the liturgy.  Holy Trinity is a place where musical gifts can be discovered and cultivated.  We have opportunities for those who are musically inclined and for those who wish to explore the hidden music within them: no previous singing experience or ability to read music is required! Just a pleasant voice and a cheery disposition! We are always looking for instrumentalists with experience to accompany the choir.


Lectors are members of our Assembly who proclaim the Word in the first two scripture readings. They also assist in creating a prayerful environment by praying the Prayers of the Faithful during the Mass.  Training and preparation are necessary for those persons wishing to be lectors. Proclaiming the Sacred Scripture is different from other kinds of public speaking. Not only do lectors need to be effective communicators, but they need to absorb and express the spirit of the Liturgy as well.  A lector must believe that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and have deep respect for God's presence in that Word.

March, April, & May

For more information, or to inquire about the next scheduled lector training, please contact

Sandy Samson at (619) 440-1563 or

To become a lector at our Spanish Masses, please contact Edilma Cortez at (619) 444-1025

 If you are interested in serving as an Altar Server or for more information, please contact Michelle Noble at (619) 771-4294 or

For information on altar serving at our Spanish Masses, please contact Xochitl Palafox at (619) 306-1783 or

Server sign up May 2024 Schedule

altar servers

An altar server should be mature enough to understand his/her responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should have already received Holy Communion for the first time and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy.   The role of servers is integral to the normal celebration of the Mass.  Servers carry the cross and processional candles, hold the book for the priest when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water during the preparation of the gifts and assist the celebrant as necessary throughout the service.  Holy Trinity provides training for all interested in altar serving to ensure that they are instructed on the Mass and its parts and their meaning.

eucharistic ministers

In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord. When  ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are not present, the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him.  These can be acolytes or other faithful who have been trained for this purpose.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) should receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. Eucharistic Ministers should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread or wine. 

For more information on becoming a Eucharistic Minister or on delivering the Eucharist to the infirmed or homebound, please contact the Ministry Center at (619) 444-9425.

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